I had the opportunity to photograph Larry Weiland today. Larry found me through my affiliation with IndyLock&Key's event at Sub-Terra Lounge this weekend.
I always am flattered when people go out of their way to find me and I'm especially glad when a professional guy thinks outside the dots a little to help himself get better results in his online pursuit of a great friend and relationship.
After having photographed about 6000 singles in Indy, I guess I'm really, "the guy" to help you look better online. A picture's worth at least a thousand words. The strategy for men doing online dating need to put their best foot forward and project the look they want and do it authentically. For women, it's just simple. Men are visual creatures, so look as good as you can so men will click on your profile.
If you want more info. on what's included in my "look better online" package, email me at diehlphotographicarts@gmail.com