I didn't manage to get a post up on the tenth. I was too busy getting 10 things done perfectly. You know, 10.10.10, but we did have good time on day 3 of the family reunion. We discussed doing next years on Nov. 11th as it will be 11.11.11. One problem I see already is that we don't have 11 fingers. That said,us Diehl's/Chatman/Suder/Sample's are pretty crafty and ingenious and will probably figure out how to get an 11th digit without having to take Yoga to get our toes in on the act.
The day before, we went to "Tucson Meet Yourself" which is I guess a kind of "Taste of Tucson" kind of thing with a more fun name. Laura came up with an even better name, "Tucson in your face" It was generally interesting and definitely brought a really diverse cross section of this town to the center of the city.
Yesterday was really just a fun day though. Starting out bright and early with a soak in the hot tub and finishing the day with a rediscovery of what was dubbed "Farmer Pool" at the pool table which involves hands and shuffling of balls into the other person's side of the pooltable without letting any in on your own side. Can you say "OUCH!" ??? We watched meteors fly by, I played guitar by the sliver of the moon and we finished up at 10.10.10 10:10 pm with a little Happy Birthday song to us all.
Today was a similar start however, we learned that in this large house, the stovetop, which is a gas top is directly connected to the grill outside. Yep, it's run by a propane tank! Isn't that bizarre? Anyway, today will be a day of fun and games I'm sure. Tucson has some really fun roads. We're staying on the Westish Mtns close to the Desert Museum on the otherside of the hill and up Iron Mtn. Hill Road there's a couple places that have some outstanding dips like a rollercoaster and today we're going to the road called "Rollercoaster Road" It's so fun, you feel like you're on a rollercoaster! It's fun that a city has roads that would be illegal in other cities. Thankfully, they haven't been sued for having a fun city yet.
Great pictures, Brian! You have a wonderful talent for taking any situation, conversation, and giving it a story with your art. Gorgeous!
Just LOVE that neon cacti picture. How did you ever get a picture of Linus? He's more camera-shy than me. MA
It was so great to see these pix! I loved having all of the 10/10/10's going on! Greast fun idea! Very DPA of you. NIce to see Todd and Wendy and the other long lost crew, and of course, I miss Jeff and mom and dad. WHat a nice time you gusy had!
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