Over the past couple years I've had the opportunity to offer my services for a few non-profit organizations in Indy. One of my favorites is the Legacy House which is a free victims of violence service that provides an all encompassing service to all victims of violence, both men and women which is a very unique service in Indy.
I have created a few photographic pieces including last year's annual report and was hired this season to create 6 themed images which help put a face and idea to who really is affected by violence and abuse.
My first couple sets were done with an amazing young man, Devin Large. Devin, as you see has a great look and can really take directions well. I am so very very pleased to show off these images and OH, I did something I haven't done in years for a job, I took pics with film! I know Iknow, just for fun, I can't wait to see how they come out. But here's a good look at my favorite bakers dozen so far.
Stay tuned....
p.s. click on each pic if you want to see them bigger :)