This weekend I had the pleasure of photographing Josh and Sarah Brown's family this past week. If you're a friend of mine on Facebook or a fan of DPA on facebook... http://www.facebook.com/pages/North-Indianapolis-IN/Diehl-Photographic-Arts/110913265596796
(I just pasted that ridiculously long hyperlink into my blog. Why doesn't facebook make links more simple.... for the Love of All things Holy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
Anyway, if you're a friend on there you've already seen the Merry-Go-Round pic from something I do every day called POTD or - pic of the day. The cool thing about having both a Facebook and Blog is that I use them to play together and so I'll put one pic in the POTD and link them (normally) to my blog which I put more pics of. So, today's posting is "Is Eight enough?" And I said this for obvious reasons, Josh and Sarah have ocho nin~os and well, they're actually a really amazing family, so is 8 enough? It seems that really big families run really well, everyone I know of, at least from the kid perspective always seem to be anchored, well behaved and get through childhood really ready for adulthood. Anyway, enough of my thoughts on families. I don't have kids- will I ever? who knows, would I like 8???! Uh, well, I have a hard enough time flying a kite so, 8 kids....?! Enjoy the Brown's photos and click on them to see'em bigger.
Beautiful family.
Those are great pictures of the Browns.
Great pix!! MA
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