On Sunday, as is the norm, I went to church. Now that's not shocking, what was, was the awesome experiences I've had that are just witness to the heroes God puts in this world if we pay a little attention.
As is abnormal, this Sunday I had a shoot at 9 to photograph "Max" Zintsmaster, who was awarded the first Scout and Zoe Exceptional Canine award. Now Max, upon looking at him would just make you wonder how a dog who is 115 in dog years is exceptional. But, much like senior citizen's centers aren't places of great excitement or action, they are a storehouse of amazing stories and Max's story is similarly exceptional.
Max is a 15 y.o. German Shepherd and most importantly, why he's the prize winner of this award is because he was a "live" dog searcher at Ground Zero right after the World Trade Center was destroyed. I believe he could do cadaver work as well, but amazingly with the right commands could look for living people too. I'm not exactly sure how many lives he saved but he and his owner/trainer Annette are true heroes. Honestly, she's as much the story as Max, she volunteered to help, which is truly the definition of a hero. Someone that goes out of their way and gives up themselves as a total sacrifice despite their normal path of life. This story will be broadcast Thursday July 8 on News8 with Dick Wolfsie so I'd highly recommend watching it as the story is tear jerking, lovely and really really beautiful. Props to Cindy Dunston Quirk of Scout and Zoe's for finding this exceptional story!
The other Hero I came across Sunday was at church and I don't know if the award should go to the leaders of the youth at our church or to the youth themselves.
In other words, sacrifice and going above and beyond ones self abounds as a result of the Youth at our church who returned this week from Camp Amigo. So, that said, John and Karen Newell as the leaders of the youth really deserve a lot of praise and kudos as they've given of themselves for years serving as the leaders and I think as part of their thank you, was the result of the youth's experiences at camp. The reason I think the youth are heroes was just the way they gave back at church this Sunday and shared their hearts and were "greater than themselves" but were like Heroes of God as well. I wouldn't call them Angels, I'm sure their parents would laugh heartily at that, but it was so cool and refreshing to see how their lives changed over this past week. I can't wait to see what happens as a result.
So there you have it, a hero from a decade ago and heroes in the making all experienced and photographed by me in one day! How amazing and blessed am I!?
To see more about Max check out www.scoutandzoes.com I'm sure there will be a link to the full story and when it will air on TV this Thurs.
To see the pics bigger just click on them and enjoy!