Indianapolis is most famous for the Indy 500. Naturally anything speed related is drawn to this city. From drag racing to elite motorcycle racing. I've photographed the world champion Lawnmower racing champion from 2000. Anyway, racers are like warriors. No matter the source of speed, there is a magnetism to the conquering of speed and vulnerability and it forms a bond that's timeless.
I was at the practice Friday with my good friend John Patterson who raced in a sub-elite class. I have no idea how close to the big leagues he was in but his number was 316, as in John 3:16... Anywho, the guy reaching out a hand in the photo above (if you click on any photo it will get bigger) was a fellow racer who hadn't seen John for over a decade. It was like no time had passed. It's a special brotherhood and unfortunately, yesterday, they lost a 13 year old as he was bucked off his bike and another racer couldn't avoid hitting him. Peter Lenz, of Vancouver WA., rest in peace. According to his father, he died doing what he loved. Bless his family and bless the young man that couldn't control the speed and path that took him into Peter's path.
There was a winner at the GP, but I know that every person that races felt the reality and sting that what they love and do is something that is highly dangerous and that the win was pretty meaningless when a young passionate life was lost. Realizing that they've cheated death whether it was yesterday or a decade ago increased a bond among these speed demons and perhaps if they aren't already, brought them a little closer to the power that renders death meaningless. Thanks JOHN 3:16