So for those of you that don't know. I'm also a photographer for another company. I've photographed half a percent of Indy for this company. That may not seem like a lot, but I'm close to 6000 people that I've spent at least an hour with individually which has got to stand for something, right?
Now I've really enjoyed my work, until I started to deal with computer issues and video uploading. I'm not a videographer. I'm not a computer tech. I'm a visual artist, and video isn't an area of expertise. Even more extremely, I'm not a computer support guy. God bless them! Honestly, they work the computer like I try to work light and lenses and stuff and I was grateful for Kevin@ Nerds On Call for sitting down and helping me try to get my USB plugs to work with my external hard drives and have somehow came to the conclusion that for some reason my Kodak 1400 printer puts a wrench in the USB playpen. So I've now sent an inquiry to Kodak to see if they know what to do. All the while, I've got a massive backlog of videos to process and upload and this computer is powerful enough to do that and photos, but right now, it's like a corvette stuck in rush hour traffic. If and it seems so impossible, but if it gets squared away, I'll be so happy that things will work and I can do my job. But as it is, I didn't get paid for the 5 hours I spent today or the other 20 hours that I've spent with this whole fiasco....
So I'll stop complaining and pray for answers and someday the whole world will be Mac.
Do I have an amen????
as a post script. For some reason, when I went to my blog without logging in, I only saw one photo that my wife Lisa took of Beverly Bookwalter. Forgive me if some of you see it and perhaps I'm in the dark, but I'm going to post the Buttresses of the church that Lisa took at the Bookwalter/Jeczmionka wedding. She loves these series and I think they are lovely too. Nice job Lisa!