My Dream Assignment….
For years I’ve wanted to explore and document America in its shape and form from the past in the present time. Growing up in Wyoming and rural Nevada, living along the swath of Interstate-80, travelling back and forth with my camera in tow, I’ve been given a unique perspective of boom and bust cultures and the result of the aftermath lying in state. With pop culture & society’s other influences I have a sense that “America” as we ideally see it is endangered as well.
I’d really like to photograph a metaphorical journey of America as it used to be, and how we’ve lost so much of what made us great and are on course to losing. In contrast, by exploring America, I’d also like to capture in story what makes us a truly great nation today and give people a vision that all isn’t lost. That America is still America. That we’re not two political parties, but one nation. Diverse, brilliant, adaptable, strong, resilient and united. That while parts of America is abandoned, America itself is not.

Help B get his chance to photograph his dream assignment -- vote for it heare:
Hey, Brian. Sorry, I dropped off the blog radar screen for a while and am just now catching up on people's blogs. How did this turn out?
Your photography is beautiful. I remember when you were just picking up photography while you studied at UW!
On my flickr account (which you can get to through my blog), I have my own little "America" journey, from the fall of 2006.
I hope you're doing well!
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