I've been back from my road trip for a couple weeks and like life, things just pass. I wanted to get my trip pics up long ago, but finally I've found a bit of time to get them processed and posted.
I had such a good time exploring the Western side of Indiana from Shades State Park up to Lake Michigan, South Bend, the farmland betwixt Indy and all other points.
I had the pleasure of playing a round of Golf @ Rock Hollow Golf Course in Peru and enjoyed the course and the beauty of it as you'll see. I'll probably continue to put more photos as I find time. I couldn't help but take lots of photos as that was pretty much my goal and in the process discovered Alamo Indiana, Nevada Indiana and of course Peru. All such fun names aren't they! Kokomo was cool to see, however, of course the Beach Boys got it all wrong, but that's the oldest joke in the book and I won't go there any further, but I had a great time and enjoyed my time thoroughly.
I hope you enjoy the photos and if you want to see them larger, just click on them and take a closer look!
Thanks for checking up on what I'm doing!
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