Well, you know, those that live in Indy, I think, will get the title of this blog. But for those that don't live here and those that do live here, but get how I play with words and/or don't shop much, here's the scoop.
KeyBank's opening up a new branch in the near future and for all their new and de-novo,(latin for redo/remodel), which I like the word and thought it was pretty original, but I'm sure it's very common in the real estate industry. Anyway, that's one of 2 side notes about where I'm going, for those want the other side note ask me sometime about Denozo....
Alas, Key always gives me a list of locales that are prominent in the proximity of their new branch and so I go and photograph them and try to find something interesting and peculiar, but still pretty obvious where they or what they are. It's been pretty cold/wet lately, fortunately they asked me to shoot castleton at night. Malls are generally not all that visually stimulating and thank God for rain to give the pavement a little glisten and glow. Otherwise, I'd be left with a plain night shot and with Key, they do all their pics in B&W which would have made it all the more disappointing to look at. (my personal opinion). Anyway, I've put up a few of the B&W's and their color versions as well as a few horizontals that I played a bit with in Lightroom and some different presets I've developed and tweaked.
Anything you want to look at closer just double click and if you want to see the whole list visit, http://www.pictage.com/812092
OH, and in a few days, you'll have to check out my new FACEBOOK page just for DPA... it'll be Diehlicious!!!!!!!!!!
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