About a month ago, my pastor taught on the blessings of children and how they're to be protected and loved and how much God just simply loves them, red, yellow, black and white.
Today I had the pleasure and will continue through tomorrow photographing the children that attend the Trinity Wesleyan Daycare on Allisonville Rd. and 97th st.
I was instantly and practically in shock at their beauty. These are who actors emulate. I felt I was watching adults at how they wish they could be. Pure, honest, free and simple. I took about 500 pics of which I took out about 80 "duds" so that means in 2 hours I shot over 400 photos I'm proud of. Here's a few of these. Graciously, Jennifer Kitterman, the Director of the daycare and brainchild of letting me photograph these has allowed me to post these on my blog. Thank you to her and to these kids and their parents.
To see the full content you would have to be a parent or a friend of theirs. Thanks to the parents and I'll have a full slideshow in a few days for everyone to enjoy!
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Jesus' words: Mark 10:14(NIV)
Darling children, Bri. Nice job! ma
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