So I met Cindy Dunston Quirk of scout and zoe's fame among many others at Zarvos' Breakthrough last fall.
We made a brilliant friendship and gratefully she had asked for me to help her attempt to make her chews for her new business http://scoutandzoes.com/ look "sexy".
Well making antlers sexy could be done, however, as you see, these are dog chews, not adornments to one's walls, hood or chesticle region. So really, what she wanted was to get good clear, clearly discernible images of which she struggled greatly on her own behalf.
Now bless her heart, I've seen some of her photography and she is no slouch, but, um, well, I knew there was a reason I got a degree in photography :) to make antler's sexy.... and well, yes, according to scout and zoe they're diehlicious! and truly, these chews, just to plug them a bit for those that wonder, why antlers???
Well, 1st and foremost, they're totally hypoallergenic so dogs like my Choochoo-Bear, aka Lucy (she's the little black Shih Tzu) would love as she's allergic to everything except the sun. 2nd they're all natural, so they're chemical free, duh, nothing was made, and not necessarily killed as they're shed even though, she gets them from a game farm in Indiana and finally they're practically eternal. Yep, great dane's will salivate for months while devouring these chews, so stock up and tell Cindy that her Antler's are sexy!
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