So if you've just visited my blog for the very first time and read this as your initial introduction to me and DPA, you'll probably, hopefully, get a good idea for who I am, and some of the ideas, projects and visions I have.
I've included Rick Coombes' property/development "The Villagio" located downtown off Virginia Ave for a number of reasons. First of all, is simply, because it's absolutely beautiful. "When I grow up" I would love to find this place as my home.
Another reason is because the view of downtown Indy is spectacular from this locale. In other words, I like Indy. It's my hope that when I do live here that I'll be grilling on the roof and shooting fireworks (photographing them) over the 4th of July with friends scattered on the roof and such.
Second to last, from time to time, I'll be throwing on some of my favorite pics in place of my POTD that 96% of the time is created within 24 hours of my facebook/blog posting. Thus is the case because, I have another reason. I have ulterior motives today!
The last reason, well, not last, but the biggest ulterior motive is that I want to do business with and for interior design firms that design commercial/public/private spaces. Not so much doing pics of the interiors as much as filling their designs with my art. Which, as you've possibly read if you're one of my 5 loyal readers :)(just kidding, I actually have 13....), well maybe even more, but that's not the point. Without trying to lose my train of thought, and make this readable, please push through that past sentence or two and continue, my apologies.
So if you've read previously, you'll recall the opportunity to get to bid for the guestroom's art at the JW. Since Homewood bought my big shoe pic last year I've wanted to place more of my work in these spaces and, well, it just makes sense that I try to compete with these huge printers that buy posters, tuck'em in a frame and bang out 5000 pieces in 22 minutes. Whether I'll get the bid, I'm not really sure. I'm not even concerned with that, as I'm "learning" how this biz is done, because I'll be one of those poster makers tucking images in a frame at 1000 pieces at a time. The difference is, is that they will be MINE. And that will be satisfying for the first time I get to nail the job. & who knows, don't think I'm checkin' out on this. I've only just begun...(cue the music).
So there you go, that's a bit about me. Read between the lines, read the lines and who knows, maybe I'll see you in line someplace, sometime.
Brian, no kidding. This place is awesome.
I'll help you tuck. I'll even pony up some cash for the materials. I believe in you, and your talent.
Get 'em, tigerrrr!
I figured that's where you were going when I saw the pic's and started reading the post. And I agree - it would be way cool to have photos that you shot adorning the walls of someone's home or business. I believe it will happen...keep pursuing the dream Brian.
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