It's odd seeing your parents age. In one aspect it's strange because you remember times when they were younger, simultaneously, it brings back memories of one's own youth. This past week, I had the honor and privilege to attend my mom's retirement party and it was just a special memory that was a definite demarcation in time in one's path of life.
I was so happy that my family was able to be together for this momentus occasion to honor my Mom and what a pleasure it was to see her honored by so many current and past coworkers. I'm struggling with the right words to frame the experience because the actual event was special, but just being home was equally great. My brother and I were able to help Dad knock out and expand the entry way to their home and save for a blow to my head from a sledgehammer,- (yep... I've got a hard head, but never ever again do I wish to have anything like that happen again. Jeff, you're cool, but don't ever do it again). But besides being able to serve my parents with things that they can't fully do any longer, it was just satisfying to be home in Nevada when there wasn't snow on the ground!
I'll try and keep this post fairly short, but I wanted to honor my Mom further with some thoughts of what I observed and share with the small world of readers I do have here with what great parents I have.
My mom's a quirky lady. Thrifty, ridiculously economical, and sublimely perfect for the job she did with the AHEC office. As essentially the controller, (I'm not sure her title) but the accountant/bookkeeper/office manager, she kept the boat afloat. I don't know how she has the patience to do books, perhaps as a musician, the idea of bookkeeping is congruent to playing a piece of music.
Well, she played her job well and I think everyone from her boss down agreed that the music she made always was pleasing. Besides that, her personality, graceful, kind and always gracious, was so well reflected by her coworkers as they had the opportunity to roast her at her party. While a couple jabs about using both sides of the paper and other hyper-thrifty traits she has, everyone from Spokane to Michigan honored her with kind words and accolades of her genuine kindness, friendliness and trustworthiness. In a day of employee dischord, and general lack of morals, Mom was above all else, the picture of devotion and trustworthiness. If she was asked to do something, it would get done. If she were given a quarter to keep for a 6 month period to hold, you could count on her to still have that very quarter 6 months later. (I know it's a little extreme...), but my point is is that my Mom was beyond reproach, the perfect keeper of an organizations books and the perfect employee.
I find it hard to know what it was like to have worked with her. Being her son, I know her differently. She doesn't have to be as diplomatic with her boys as she was with her coworkers, but I have a feeling that the love they have for her is a lot like the love I have for her as well. She is special, unique, and I know she will be missed from the hallways there. Since I'm going on and on I'd also like to thank my Mom's coworkers for being such good friends to her. Betty and Jim, Terrell and Allen, Julie, Corey all those that no longer work or even live in the state for that matter that came to see her "graduate", it was so good to see you all and thank you for honoring her.
I pray a special blessing on her and my dad as they are both now retired and able to enjoy life together. I pray that he appreciates the quirky thrifty things that she does and realizes that she's got the house's best interest at heart. I also pray that she appreciates Dad's love for her and that he wants her to feel special and enjoy life. After all, you can't take it with you....
Congratulations on retiring Mom! And Dad, I'm sorry I didn't get or think about honoring you and your retirement. Lord knows you deserve equal honor. You both are great parents!
(there will be a book...!) oh and as always, click on the pic if you want to see it bigger and I travel west for work so if there's anyone with kids/family getting married you know who to call!;)
Great post! Great pics! Congrats to your mom on a great career and I hope she finds retirement fulfilling, relaxing, and rewarding.
You did a perfect job capturing your mom's "essence". I am so glad you all were able to be together to celebrate this rite of passage. Nnow - let's hope your mom and dad can survive each other.
-- Sarah
What a great post Brian; and fun pic's as well. I have always admired the way you talk about your parents. I truly can tell you honor them very much. I'm so glad you were able to go back home for the event and also do some things to help your dad. But OUCH...a sledgehammer to the head. That does not sound sweet. Glad you are okay. Blessings to your folks in this new stage of life.
Thanks for the good pix, Bri, as well as the kind words. MA
Thanks Brian,
You did great. We so wanted to be there but partied earlier in the month. The photos told the story. You really were 'spot on' with your description.
Swell pics and praise, Bri. Yes, your mom is most special, and thanx to you she has pictures and words to enjoy while she sits in her rocker on the porch wishing she was back at work, or -- further back -- turning you over her knee. :) Kidding aside, great job!!
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