Monday, April 12, 2010

Is Eight enough????

This weekend I had the pleasure of photographing Josh and Sarah Brown's family this past week. If you're a friend of mine on Facebook or a fan of DPA on facebook...

(I just pasted that ridiculously long hyperlink into my blog. Why doesn't facebook make links more simple.... for the Love of All things Holy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )

Anyway, if you're a friend on there you've already seen the Merry-Go-Round pic from something I do every day called POTD or - pic of the day. The cool thing about having both a Facebook and Blog is that I use them to play together and so I'll put one pic in the POTD and link them (normally) to my blog which I put more pics of. So, today's posting is "Is Eight enough?" And I said this for obvious reasons, Josh and Sarah have ocho nin~os and well, they're actually a really amazing family, so is 8 enough? It seems that really big families run really well, everyone I know of, at least from the kid perspective always seem to be anchored, well behaved and get through childhood really ready for adulthood. Anyway, enough of my thoughts on families. I don't have kids- will I ever? who knows, would I like 8???! Uh, well, I have a hard enough time flying a kite so, 8 kids....?! Enjoy the Brown's photos and click on them to see'em bigger.


Stuart Meyer said...

Beautiful family.

Anne said...

Those are great pictures of the Browns.

Anonymous said...

Great pix!! MA

Who's this Brian guy?

My photo
I'm one of the few people from Wyoming in the midwest. Born and bred, by default I'm a cowboy, through life though I guess I've kept the wanderlust and taken it urban. Having lived in 11 states now, I feel safe to say that I've found home in Indy. I'd never have dreamed I'd live here but 5 years later, I have no complaints! I've been a "lifestyle" photographer for quite a while. Cutting my teeth in landscape photography and photojournalism out West I've developed a style that focuses on simplicity, beauty and life lived well.